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Taylor and Marisa's 5 Year Anniversary | Hillman State Park, PA

We got to help our friends Taylor and Marisa celebrate their five year wedding anniversary a few weeks ago by doing their anniversary portraits at Hillman State Park.

Meet our dear friends, Taylor and Marisa! We have known these two since elementary and high school! They've been together since high school, and got married while we were in college. Taylor was beginning his time in the military as a Marine, and Marisa was studying IST at Penn State.

Taylor and Marisa got married in April 2016, right after Taylor came home from being deployed! It was the first wedding for any of Evan or my friends, and I remember being so excited that we got to go! Evan and our other friend Aaron were two of Taylor's groomsmen. Unfortunately, Aaron (who was the best man) had a cycling final on the day of the wedding that he couldn't reschedule. So, while the guys got ready with Taylor, I drove around PA looking for Aaron on his bike. SO STRESSED!

Thankfully, Evan and the other groomsmen got to spend the morning with Taylor doing the one thing he asked to do, hang out and eat out at Wendy's. Eventually, I found Aaron after his final, and we sped to the wedding. We got there right in time for dinner and his toast.

I still remember their wedding day. It was such a joyful time! They had a small celebration with Taylor and Marisa's close friends and family. It was made complete with a dinner full of speeches, a ceremony in the local library, and photos in the streets! I remember the salads we had at their dinner inspired me to start using balsamic/fruit in my salads regularly... SO GOOD. It was a wonderful time, filled with so much joy in this homecoming and new union.

Since Taylor and Marisa have been together, their love has survived many miles and years apart. Through basic training, deployments, graduating college, moving across the country, starting a new job, finishing time with the Marines, moving back to PA, starting school, being apart for state trooper training.. oof. These two have been through a LOT more in their time together than most. They told us that they never even had a honeymoon! Thankfully, after five years, they are finally taking some time off and traveling to Hilton Head Island.

After such a fun session, Taylor, Marisa, Evan, and I caught up over a picnic. They brought the sandwiches and drinks, and we brought the fruits and salads. Although we all now live in the Pittsburgh area, life (along with the pandemic) has kept us apart for too long, But Evan and I felt SO grateful to have had the opportunity to catch up with these two. They're the type of people who you can always pick up from wherever you left off. Our time with them left us reminiscing on old memories, and talking about how much we've missed them lately. We are so thankful for friends like Taylor and Marisa!

Thank you, Taylor and Marisa for giving us this opportunity to capture your inspiring love, lifetime of friendship, and joyful times together. Happy five years, and enjoy Hilton Head, y'all deserve it! We love you!

LOVE! Samantha and Evan

P.S, Thank you Evan for getting the reflector every time I left it in the car :)



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