Jake + Meghan's Proposal | Narcisi Winery, Pittsburgh, PA
After finding the ring, months of planning, a rainy day, a rough Uber ride, a stop at the winery's bar, and a walk the mud, Jake asked his best friend to share forever with him. The details and obstacles of this day make this proposal story one of our favorites. We are forever grateful that we were there to capture the whole thing, and more importantly celebrate our dear friends, Meghan and Jake.

Meghan has been one of my best friends since elementary school, We have gone through great times, hard times, awkward times. and everything in between. She is the type of friend who never forgets to send a happy birthday wish or a thank you card. She celebrates you and your victories, and makes sure you know how loved you are. She is smart, hardworking, extremely organized, and a beautiful person inside and out. I sometimes think she forgets about how wonderful of a human she is. Thankfully, that's where Jake comes in.

Talking with Jake and planning this proposal with him, I could tell how much he adores Meghan. Seeing the way he looks at Meghan, hearing him remind her of how beautiful she looks (even in the pouring rain), and watching him comfort and love her during this proposal, I am reminded of how blessed my friend is. I am so happy for her. She has found a man that sees her beauty and worth, a man that will forever try to make her smile.

These two have been dating for over 5 years, and the support they give one another has always amazed me. Through long distance, new career paths, life changes, and so much more, they have learned to lean on each other, and lift one another up in their personal and professional lives. I know they will continue to do that in their journey together. I'm so happy that we had a small part in capturing one step in the beautiful life story they share.

Since March, Jake worked with us, their families, and friends to make this proposal everything and more for Meghan. After asking for her family's permission, finding Meghan the ring of her dreams (seriously, it's STUNNING), and arranging a trip to visit their friends in Pittsburgh, the pieces of Jake's plan began falling into place. Jake Instagram messaged me in June, asking about our availability on July 17th. He asked about a winery just outside of the city, and my thoughts on it. After scouting the area, we agreed that the proposal would happen at Narcisi Winery, on July 17th, around 2:30 PM.

After a long car ride to the winery, and then getting caught up at the bar, Jake insisted they all take pictures in the pouring rain. This was our go time! Check out their proposal story and our behind the scenes footage below!
While I took video, Catherine and Evan took photos!

Meghan was SHOCKED. After asking if Jake was serious a few times, she excitedly answered YES!

My favorite part of this surprise was Meghan seeing her family members right after the proposal. Their families are both so important to them, and I was so glad to see everyone sharing this joyful moment with Meghan and Jake.

Another aspect I love about Meghan and Jake is the bond they share with their families. For years I have heard of Jake's family treating Meghan with so much love and hospitality, giving her space to work at their home, sliding her berries or grapes during her long work days, and treating her like a sister or another daughter. I was so excited to finally meet Jake's family at the proposal, they really were just as sweet as Meghan had always told me.

It's no different with Jake and Meghan's family. Growing up with the Karstetter family, I knew that their door was always open and there was always enough wedding soup (my favorite of Maureen's many great dishes) to go around. It's not surprising to see that Jake has always been a part of the family.

Look at all this crew! And while this is a crowd, there were still so many others that couldn't make the trip. These two are loved by so many!

I don't know who will be in Jake's wedding party, but if Jake's wedding day crew is anything like this one, their photographer will have a field day with these fellas!

I was so glad to finally meet all of Meghan and Jake's Duquesne/ Pittsburgh pals! They're such a wonderful bunch, and the best hype crowd!

After group photos, a quick bite, and a few phone calls to Meghan and Jake's other friends, the sun was out. We took Meghan and Jake to the stream for some newly engaged photos!

Remember this was AFTER getting stuck from the rain about 30-minutes before...

AND THEY LOOK THIS GOOD! SHEESH. There is a reason our group of friends have called these two the "handsome couple".

Once we finished up with photos, Jake told Meghan that there was one last surprise out in front...

A PARTY BUS! After a successful proposal, Meghan, Jake, and their loved ones continued their celebrating in downtown Pittsburgh!

It was such a blessing to have had the opportunity to be here to celebrate these two in their engagement. To Jake, thank you for asking us to capture this moment. Thank you for loving and caring for Meghan so well. I hope that with these photos and videos you both are taken back to this amazing day. I hope it brings you all the joy and excitement for what lies ahead In your future as husband and wife. We love you!

Thank you to the many other people who helped in making this weekend a success! Thank you to Lauren and Dylan for all of your help with the weekend plans, and for hosting Meghan and Jake! Thank you to the wonderful staff at Narcisi Winery for giving me a tour of the grounds prior to the proposal. Thank you to the kind strangers who let us look like a part of their group when Meghan and Jake were right across the bar from us. Thank you Bobby for bringing an umbrella (and I think to the Medvitz family for taking it from the hotel haha). Thank you to the Karstetter family for lunch after the proposal. And finally, thank you to Catherine and Evan. I was a little under the weather during this proposal so I wanted to make sure I wrote a special thank you to them for all of their help in capturing these photos and videos alongside me on this day.

Congrats to the newly engaged couple!! LOVE!
